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CollaTan Pro 15ml


CollaTan Pro

Harnessing the power of Vegan Collabooster and PUREHYDRALON COMPLEXTM, CollaTan Pro is the fusion of science and nature’s purest ingredients. While collagen invigorates your skin with youthful elasticity, hyaluronic acid dives deep to provide unmatched hydration. Together, they not only prepare your skin for a sublime tan but also ensure it feels smoother, and radiates a natural luminosity. Dive into the CollaTan Pro experience and flaunt a tan that’s not just deep and rich, but also a testament to rejuvenated skin.


  • Colla Booster
  • PureHydralon Complex
  • Intense Aloe Vera Hydration
  • Vitamin E & C
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Merk Tahnee
Product type Lichaamsverzorging, Lotion
Kenmerken Anti-Aging, Versneller
Levertijd 1-3 dagen
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